Trainings, Workshops & Seminars
Trainings, workshops and seminars are held for NGO workers, government officers, Police officers, officials working on development issues advocates, trade unionists and people from various organizations that work with common people to sensitize them about gender issues and help them incorporate gender sensitive attitude in their respective fields. Also training for Government and Private Schools Principal, Teacher and Students on various topics like Gender and Equality, environment, Cast and Communalism, Pocso and Sexual Harassment at workplace etc. As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 it is compulsory to implement in all Government, Non-Government and Private sector. Training on this subject is provided by the Sahiyar under this Act and in many places the committee is appointed as a subject expert member.
According to requirements of different groups training programs have been organised on gender, patriarchy, history of women’s movement in India and communalism, songs of the women’s movements, street theatre, women and development, Women and violence, women and the law etc.
We also contribute as resource persons to conduct the training organised by other organisations on the above issues.